MEEEEE!Bradley is 6 months old already! I am happy to report that Bradley is outgrowing his fussy ways and is beginning to be a happy, content baby. That is the best 6 month present I could ask for!

His new thing is sucking on his bottom lip.

And look who's starting to crawl!!

"Mom, this is hard!"
Here are Bradley's stats at 6 months:
Weight- 17lbs (50th %)
Height- 26in (50th %)
As of Monday, he rolls over both ways.
He has 3 teeth....and more to come shortly!
Sits up with some help
He isn't afraid of his older brothers as much anymore. Haha! He doesn't mind if they get close and give him kisses.
I just can't believe how fast the time has gone by. SIX MONTHS!! Just like that! Will the next six months go by just as fast?? WE LOVE YOU BRADLEY BOY!