Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Yummy Food and a Tooth!

Who knew oatmeal with peaches and bananas could taste so bad??I'd rather eat my own hand mom...

Here's his first tooth! It took a while for me to be able to get close enough to get a good shot! I just felt his second one today! If you click on this picture you can see the 2nd tooth about to pop through!

Tyler fell asleep in the middle of eating a chocolate chip granola bar. That was quite a mess!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

"Houston, We have a tooth"

That's right! Josh got his first tooth last week while we were in Austin. It's just so cute! It's really not big enough to get a clear picture, but I'll keep trying. You guys have got to see it! And he's also started crawling/scooting. I'm waiting to get a picture of him on all fours!

Austin, TX July 16-22nd 2008!!!

WARNING, WARNING!! A lot of pictures ahead! I had the opportunity last week to go visit my family in Austin! We had such a great time with everyone! All of my siblings were there except for my brother Keller and his wife Cyndi. When I bought the tickets, I had no idea that I would be seeing everyone on this trip, so it was a welcome surprise! Josh taking a snooze on the plane

Tyler practicing his letters
Tyler's Cheesy smile!

I can't wait to ride on the airplane Mom!

Grandma and Josh

Tyler at the play place at the mall

Sweet, happy boy!

Josh and cousin Sadie (They are 1 day apart!)

WEEEEEE! I love this action shot!

The siblings. On the couch from left to right: Me (Sarah), Meagan, Shea
Bottom: Matt, Torry, Courtney

All of the grandkids! Plus or minus a few!

Josh contemplating in his sleep.....

Josh and cousin Sadie playing!

Me and sister Meagan

My mom and sisters

Me and Meagan

Yummy food at The Melting Pot

Girls night out at The Melting Pot! So much fun!
Me, Meagan, Carman, Mom, Meredith, Shea, and Lexy
Look Mom! I can eat the whole thing!!

Our vacation was a blast and I can't wait to see them all again!

Look Mom! No Bed Rail!

Tyler took a nap today for the first time without his bed rail. Actually, he's still sleeping as we unless I hear a big THUD, I think we're alright! Look at him all cuddled up with Elmo! He is the cutest big boy I know!

Monday, July 14, 2008

4th of July

I know I'm a little late getting these up here, but here are our pictures from the 4th of July courtesy of Amanda's camera! Todd was out of town this year for the 4th at scout camp, so the boys and I went with my friends Nate and Amanda and their boys to see the fireworks here in our small town of Maricopa. There were TONS of people there this year. It was a lot of fun!Josh was mesmorized

Then he fell asleep!

Tyler and Tytan

He loves glow sticks!